Sunday, March 29, 2009

Types Of Studies

Studying can be depressing, intimidating and boring if you do not know "how to study."New techniques of studying to help students achieve success in their education. :smile:Method Of Contemplation:When you study, it is not enough just to read the matter. Contemplation is essential. That is, deeply focusing on it. Here are some ways to go about it:1. Read an essay or chapter slowly and carefully. 2. Note down the important points and examples in a notebook and number them.
3. Keep the text-book aside. Skim (quickly go through) the notes and see if you can re-iterate the points.
4. Ask yourself - how many points are there? What is the order? Are you able to repeat the points in your own words?
5. Keep the notes aside. Revise the matter completely in your mind and in your own words.
6. This focus on using your words also helps expand your language power, which helps develop your mind further and change your personality.
7. While writing, pay attention to clarity of thoughts. Words should be specific and short; sentences, simple and consistent.
How To Study Any Subject?
We have taken the following method of studying a particular subject :
A) Note down the subject of study on paper. Take English as an example. There are a number of subsections such as prose, poetry, grammar, essay etc. Write down an abstract (the major points) of each subsection every morning. You can make an abstract for every few pages or for an entire lesson.
For sections which are extremely difficult, prepare notes on them and consult someone - friends, teachers, experts etc. who are comfortable with the material. If you continue to find it difficult, keep it aside for a day.
C) The next day, read the portion again. Note down any new points that come to mind. If it's convenient ask someone else to read out the points to you while you are in a relaxed mood. Re-calling the previous' day's portion is a technique of familiarizing yourself to the subject matter and you will find that tension about that subject will gradually decrease.
Recitation is a very old method of learning and proves to be useful. This is because reading out in a rhythmic manner causes changes in the brain. This is why it is easy to learn songs or advertisements because the mind is inclined to remember a rhythm rather than monotonous reading.Success And Failure:
Many times we become very disheartened when our efforts in studying do not pay off.
We slowly move to the path of failure -
1- there is no interest in study
2- concentration while studying is less
3- If concentration is good, power to recall the points is low
4- If recall power is there, memory fails us during examinations
5- Memory may fail us during the exams but on leaving the hall, we remember all the points.
Many of us can identify with the above characteristics. We all have the ability to do well in our studies, but lack of concentration power, will-power and outside influences (studying and TV at the same time, eating and studying simultaneously etc.) are draining our mental energy. We need to have fixed timings for everything. If we overload the mind, we cannot expect it to work to our advantage.
Preparing For Study
A system known as Intelligence Growth Graph has been created to ease the difficulty behind studying. The mantra of this system is mind + technique. Before studying, the atmosphere should be pleasant, quiet, clean, with sufficient light and air. All the books needed for studying should be ready in front of you and you should mentally prepare your mind - for the next 45 minutes, I am going to really focus on my work; I want to study.
This is very important because once the mind is stable, focused, under control, it will grasp all the information you give it.
Before entering the actual study part, we will focus on the external factors, such as diet and its effect on the brain, the ideal time for studying, enhancing the memory, posture while studying etc.
Diet, Study & Brain
Good health leads to better memory power. As we all know, whatever we eat is transformed into blood and energy. Vitamins, minerals and other nutrients directly affects the brain's efficiency. Sprouted grains, fruits like apples and guava are beneficial to students. They help in blood circulation and brain refreshment.
Beverage like tea and coffee should be avoided but if you are used to such drinks, restrict it to one cup during daytime. If more then 6 cups are consumed per day, your sleep may get disturbed.
Ideal Time To Study - The book, 'Clock of Living Nature' states than early hours, 2:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. is when the human body is at its weakest. Similarly, close to 2:00 p.m. is not a good time since the physical and mental energy have been used during the morning hours. '
8:00 a.m. - noon and 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. are two good time frames for studying. This is not a biological fact; people can program their mind to study at anytime and also change their body mechanisms. But generally, the morning hours are best suited for studying and learning.
If possible, attention should be given to studying a particular subject at a particular place and time. This helps in developing conditioned reflexes. It has been psychologically proven that we study or recall things depending on where we were at the time and try to picturise the scene again. When we are in the examination hall and are trying to remember points, we often try to recall the page and if there were pictures or tables on it etc. This is why, we highlight certain points or annotate as we study.

Diet, Study & Brain
Good health leads to better memory power. As we all know, whatever we eat is transformed into blood and energy. Vitamins, minerals and other nutrients directly affects the brain's efficiency. Sprouted grains, fruits like apples and guava are beneficial to students. They help in blood circulation and brain refreshment.
Beverage like tea and coffee should be avoided but if you are used to such drinks, restrict it to one cup during daytime. If more then 6 cups are consumed per day, your sleep may get disturbed.
Ideal Time To Study - The book, 'Clock of Living Nature' states than early hours, 2:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. is when the human body is at its weakest. Similarly, close to 2:00 p.m. is not a good time since the physical and mental energy have been used during the morning hours. '
8:00 a.m. - noon and 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. are two good time frames for studying. This is not a biological fact; people can program their mind to study at anytime and also change their body mechanisms. But generally, the morning hours are best suited for studying and learning.
If possible, attention should be given to studying a particular subject at a particular place and time. This helps in developing conditioned reflexes. It has been psychologically proven that we study or recall things depending on where we were at the time and try to picturise the scene again. When we are in the examination hall and are trying to remember points, we often try to recall the page and if there were pictures or tables on it etc. This i
Memory And The Brain
Anything not used is bound to perish; this is applicable to the brain and memory. We all have experienced that
- things seen often are remembered better
- reading aloud helps in memorizing a particular section (we often forget a person's name because we do not pronounce the name, at the time of introductions)
The brain has numerous compartments to store information. A person's will, liking for a subject, healthy body and mind, all contribute to the development a good memory. The aim behind studying is also essential. If you are only interested in passing your exams, you are sure to forget the portion once the exams are over.
Yoga and Meditation help increase one's concentration power. Nobel Laureate, Roger Sperry has said that the left part of the brain stores words, numbers, concepts etc. while the right side stores shapes, graphs, sounds, smells and emotions. If you good at recalling diagrams, but not the writing around the diagram, you are not making use of both sides of the brain. Focus should be placed on developing both right and left side.
Posture While Studying:
Most of us do not appreciate our mothers telling us to sit straight, stop lolling around etc., but there is a scientific explanation behind our sitting position. The book, 'Work and the Brain,' talks about how energy is wasted if a wrong position is adopted. If you do not sit properly, the tension on the chest increases and the lungs are not activated properly. Bad posture leads to less oxygen reaching the lungs and obstacles in abdominal and pelvic blood flow.
It is advisable to change your position two-three times while studying. Stretch your legs at regular intervals and practice breathing in through your nostrils (for a few seconds) and pumping air out slowly.
of your difficult subjects and decide to make it 'easy' within the next few months. At least three months are required to do this. Five aspects need to be focused on during this time frame, which are:
a) Subject of study, time, place
Respect to Elders
c) Desire and Efforts
d) Nobility
e) Prayer
a) Studying the 'hard' or 'difficult' subject (S-Study)
It is important to first tackle the difficult subject since 60% is generally utilized for this. This leaves less strength for concentrating power and also increases our tension level. Allot time for this special study in your schedule. Study that particular subject for a minimum of 1 hour at a fixed time and place. A regular place tends to make the atmosphere favorable for study and regular time, disciplines your mind and activates the brain. Even geographical directions affect the studying. Mathematics should be studied facing East, while languages, in the West direction.
If you are successful in this procedure, put a tick mark in the row for S-Study on the 1st of the month in the graph. If not, place a cross. Continue this for all the 90 days. More the continuity, greater are the chances for success.
Offering Salam and Revolution in Brain (R-Respect)
We suggest that students offer Salam to their teachers and parents. Students who have followed this have experienced that their tensions have reduced and their concentration power increases. Their arrogance subsides and memory power increases.
Dr. Merlin Albert, the brain researcher at Harvard, talks about his experiment. "We have a relationship between physical activity and cognitive maintenance. We suspect that moderately strenuous exercise leads to the development of small blood vessels. The blood carries oxygen which nourishes the brain. But the activity should be new and require thinking.
c) Brain exercise for 15 seconds (D-desire and effort)
Strong determination and efforts are needed for success. Just desire is not enough. If your efforts end in tension and unhappiness, what is required is your grit. There are certain brain exercises that can be done to keep your determination intact. Before and after your regular study time, close your eyes for 15 seconds, sit straight and tell yourself 9 times - 'I will make this subject easy' - and simultaneously massage your head gently. If you complete this exercise, put a check mark in the 'D' column on the graph.
d) Good deeds increase your mental power and thereby increases success in studies (N-noble deeds)
Our success cannot be only attributed to our own efforts. Many people help us in different ways. A variety of known and unknown forces act on us. We should return all that we have gained by assisting needy people of the society. Spend time each time helping others out. Those students who participate in some kind of social activity besides studying, will always move ahead. They develop a complete personality. If you are involved in some kind of noble activity, place a check mark in the 'N' column on the graph.
e) Pray to make the atmosphere pure (P-Prayer)
Sincere and honest wishes are bound to give you good results. To thank all those who have given you strength and inspiration, and to send our pure wishes for them, is prayer. If you conduct prayer, put a check mark in the 'P' column on the graph.
At the end of each month, review your graph and see where you are lagging behind and where you are working well. Paying attention to all of these aspects of life helps clear the mind for studying and also makes sure we are balanced in our student and personal lives

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